We are a faith-based non-profit founded in 1990 to bridge the gap between adult foster care homes and fully independent living. We offer affordable housing to adults with mental illness, many facing homelessness. None of our housing is licensed by the state or offers 24-hour care. Instead, we operate as a landlord while providing case management support.
Our residents are adults diagnosed with mental illness who are able to live semi-independently. They are responsible for managing their day to day lives, activities, and can follow their treatment plan prescribed by health care professionals. Many are employed, attend school or various programs, and are active volunteers, giving back to their communities.
Adults with mental illness account for a high percentage of the homeless population. The cyclical nature of their disease, unfair stigma, and limited resources make it difficult to find permanent housing options. We aim to decrease the homeless mentally ill population, along with the stigma. We foster understanding and acceptance by building relationships and empowering our residents.
We welcome you to watch our video to learn more about Ladder's history, values, and how we serve!
To learn more about our history, please download Our Story below:
DownloadWe invite you to read the personal journey of Ladder Homes co-founder, Judyth Thomas, in His Drums Fell Silent, the Voices Still Speak. Available at Amazon.com